Monday, January 09, 2006

While the Cat's Away...

Apparently Rosita plays while we are all at work (or sleeping, as is the case for the cat). I came home from work today and Rosita's water pond had all kinds of dirt in it. She must have had her friends over splashing at a pool party today under the sun lamp.

I have been making a habit of hand-feeding her pieces of pear when I get home in the evening. It gets her up and around and I get to spend some time with her. The last few times I have done this, after she eats the first piece, she stretches her neck out really far and opens her mouth as if biting at something that isn't there. She's not even close to my hand or the pear. I realized today that I think this is her way of begging. It reminds me of baby birds with their mouths open for their momma to feed them. I thought maybe she had bouts of really poor vision, but then I noticed she does it when my hand isn't even in her cage. She walked right up to the glass chomping at the air. It was so cute!

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