Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bathroom Crawl

Rosita was up when I got up this moring around 8:30am. She was very ready to eat when I gave her breakfast of collard, kale, carrots, and pears. She ate all of it right away and then went into her home. She pretty much stayed in there for the rest of the day.

I took her out around noon and gave her a soak. She completely submersed her head underwater, which was terrific because she's been so dry and it's affecting her eyes. The bad news is that she didn't want to stay in the water for more than 2 minutes. She got out by herself for the first time today. Although I helped a bit when her little butt and tail got stuck on the edge of the tupperware.

Today was also the big day we drilled a hole through the wall to set up a webcam. I was so amazed that she did not seem at all frightened by the loud sound of the drill. She didn't even flinch when it came on.

I thought she should be moving around a bit more, so I planned a mini adventure. I turned on the heated floor in the upstairs bathroom, and took her up there to wander and explore. She spent about 20 minutes or more exploring each part of the room: under the vanity ledge, around and behind the toilet (where she turned her body sideways to fit between the wall and some plumbing!), and around me. I was surprised at how she would come really close to me. At one point, she even put her front leg on my jeans while looking up at my hand. I think she thought I had some pear for her to eat, but still. Even though she still tucks her head in when she is startled by my hands being too close to her head, she came up to me more than once. When I picked her up to go back to her terrarium, I took a moment to rub her head. I hear they like that, and she didn't seem to mind. I want to make sure I'm touching her and having a lot of contact with her now so she gets used to me while she's young.

She tucked in for the night around 7pm, so I turned her lights off.

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