Sunday, January 15, 2006


After living with Rosita for almost two weeks now, I have several questions.
  • Do tortoises yawn? Because I swear mine does.
  • Should tortoises exercise? And if so, how do I get mine to move around? Hamsters have those walking wheels, but I don't think Rosita would be too keen on using an apparatus such as that. All of the research I have done indicates that tortoises need a lot of room to move around and explore, but Rosita isn't using the space she already has.
  • Do tortoises get lonely? She was living with two other red foots before I took her home from the pet store. Does she miss them? Would she be happier with another somebody like her around? If I decide to do that, I better make sure I don't have a male and a female. Which leads to the next question --
  • Can you neuter or spay a tortoise? Goodness knows I have a difficult enough time taking care of a full-grown tortoise -- I don't need to worry about a handful of babies!

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