Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spa Treatment

I've started a new routine since I started working noon to 8:00pm. While I take a shower, Rosita hangs out on the bathroom's heated floor and takes in the humidity. When I get out of the shower, I have her soak in the tub. It's a spa treatment - tortoise style!

Another reason to relocate Rosita into the tub is so I can let my cat in the bathroom. Ever since I got Cricket over 10 years ago, she likes to hang out in the bathroom with me after I get out of the shower. In her more spry years she would jump up on the towel rack and paw at the curtain while I was in the shower. And I don't want Cricket to feel left out or jealous of Rosita, so I keep the door closed until Rosita is soaking in the tub. Cricket comes in and doesn't even know she's not the only four-legged creature in the room. The sad thing is, it's not because she's old that she is so oblivious. She's never been all that bright -- but it's part of what makes her so lovable!

Thursday, March 23, 2006


So, I'm getting together with some friends this weekend and inevitably Rosita will come up as a topic of conversation. I consciously try not to talk about her too much as to not dominate the conversation. But it seems that I am not the only one who finds her very intriguing, and she comes up pretty regularly. Wouldn't it be a hoot if I brought her with me? That would be the ultimate way to dominate the conversation, huh? That's certainly not my intention in having her join me. The point would be to get her out and about so everyone could meet her.

I just realized I'm a tortoise lunatic.

Monday, March 20, 2006


These are Rosita's friends. Since they live with her, should they be called roommates? The cute little green guy came from my real life friend Heidi. She saw it and thought of me (and Rosita) shortly after I adopted my new tort. I smile each time I see it hanging onto a basket. At first I put it at eye level, but Rosita is certain that anything green is edible and should be chewed on. Not a very nice way to treat a friend!

This other character I bought with my husband while we were at Joann's together buying fabric for Rosita's house. I think it's funny how similar it is in size to Rosita. She's never been interested in it. I think because the colors are all wrong -- she knows there's no way it could be real.

Someday I hope to get Rosita a REAL friend, another redfoot. Until then, these guys will have to do.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Funny -- I haven't see Rosita stretch, but I have seen her yawn. On many occasions, in fact. Sometimes I'm not totally sure it's going to be a yawn until it's over. Almost as if she doesn't put her all into it. I know she could get her mouth open wider if she wanted to.

Ever really thought about yawning? I wouldn't be suprised if you're yawning right now as you're reading this! More on yawning.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Don't you wish you could do this? Hide away from the world for awhile. I'm not here if you can't see me.

"I'm not available right now. Come back later after I re-emerge."

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Round Two

Back to the vet last night. Again, so friendly and kind. I'm bummed that Dr. Troye is going on maternity leave and that we would have to find another vet for Rosita to see if she needs one in the next 12-15 weeks. But congratulations to Dr. Troye anyway! (She's so cute -- it's her first!)

She agreed that Rosita's tummy is not back to good yet, but that she wouldn't expect it to be over only two weeks. Since Rosita was too wiggly and wouldn't allow for her second deworming treatment, we were sent home with about 10 syringes (without needles!) and a small bottle of medicine to give her over the next three weeks. These include deworming meds as well as an anti-biotic for her tum-tum. We need to administer these by either: a) getting her to open her mouth so we can squirt the medicine in or b) hiding it in her food, like a grape or other juicy morsel. Considering she thinks my fingers are food, I don't think we'll have a problem getting her to open her mouth. But even if we do, she's such a good eater that should be a sinch too.

Fortunately, the second trip to the vet - albeit difficult - was no where near as gut-wrenching as the maiden voyage.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Mango Maniac

The other day I bribed Rosita out of her hiding house with some mango. Any food works to get her to come out since she's always ready to eat. (The experts call it "opportunistic" - I love that word!) She nearly ran out to munch on it. She loved it so much that she acted like a junkie wanting more and more, watching my every move, willing me to give her more. The next day was a food day -- she gets a large serving greens every other day -- and she rifled through her dish seeking out something other than leafy veggies. No doubt she was hoping for more mango!

She definitely likes fruit more than vegetables, and I really can't blame her. Given the choice of an apple or collard, there's really no question what I'd be reaching for. I have also noticed that she doesn't seem to like the mustard greens as much as other leafy greens. So far she's had kale, collard, spinach, and watercress from the produce aisle. Funny -- spinach is the only one I'd ever purchased before Rosita. And the only one I could even identify!

Warm Fuzzy

I'm amazed at how many people read Rosita's blog. I started doing this just for myself, so I would have a record of stories and memories about her. I am warmed inside to hear that I am not the only one who she entertains.