Monday, June 26, 2006

Good Friends

We all need good friends.
Thanks, Nicole.

Friday, June 23, 2006

What Was She Doing?

I came home yesterday and both of Rosita's hides - huts, caves that she sleeps and hangs out in - were overturned! One was completely upside down, and the other was flipped on its side. Plus, one of her thermometers was in her water dish. What in the world was she doing?!?!!? I am so bummed I didn't have the web cam rolling to document and capture the action. What a crazy little creature she is.

Right now, I'm sitting at the computer, which is right next to her house. She's giving me that isn't-it-about-time-for-breakfast look.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Yes, I have finally started Rosita's scrapbook. Of course, pictures date back to just a few days after I got her. After only a few weeks of Rosita joining our family, I got asked if I had scrapped her yet. C'mon, six months isn't so long to wait to start her album. It's been 5.5 years since my wedding and that scrapbook still isn't completely done.

I'll be sure to scan and post at least a few pages here. I'll be using some blog entries for journaling, so I hope it's not too stale for ya.


Is it wrong that I already know what I would name my second redfoot tortoise? Tortilla! Isn't that cute? Rosita and Tortilla. I called the pet store where I got Rosita and they are going to be getting more redfoots in the next few weeks. I think she would be happier with a pal. And space isn't an issue as she has plenty to share. Although I won't be getting another one until after our Colorado trip. I just wish it was easier to figure out their sex so the mating thing wouldn't be an issue when they become adults. No human babies and no torty babies for this household.

Monday, June 12, 2006

She's a Carnivore Afterall

I was outside with the neighbor kids. They love feeding Rosita since she'll take food right from their hands. One of the boys picked up a worm and held it in front of her. I wasn't sure if she would eat it. I mean, I guessed that she would. She eats everything! And sure enough, she grabbed it by the middle and chopped the whole wiggly lil' creature into her tummy. Yuck! I hear it's good protein. And Lord knows I'm not buying or serving her meat (crickets, bugs, worms, etc.)!