Monday, May 29, 2006

Ahhh, summertime

Rosita and I spent hours outside this weekend. It was such a joy! She loves crawling around through the grass and rocks, munching on weeds, and checking everything out. Sometimes I wonder if she would ever stop eating if I didn't eventually bring her back inside. I have another reason to love summer. Both the cat and the tortoise will be sad when they can no longer go outside next fall.

Rosita has some new friends. A few of the next-door neighbors met her a week ago and little Emily has stopped by numerous times to see if she can "play with your tortoise." I told her parents they might have to get her a pet since she has taken such a liking to Rosita.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Rocky Road

While I've been busy updating the color scheme for Rosita's blog, the content has been a bit lacking. But she has been as busy as ever and as always, I have stories --

Last night while we were outside in the backyard, she peed 3 or 4 times and pooped. Is this noteworthy? Probably not. But I think it's funny. I don't know why she typically poops and pees when she's out of her own house. It's like she doesn't want to have it her living quarters. I guess I can't blame her! And hey - it's convenient for me to not have to clean it up! Maybe she does it for me as a favor. Aw, thanks Rosita!

However, nothing might get through after eating ROCKS. Small pebbles, sand, dirt, anything she can put in her mouth, she will eat. The rocks were most disturbing as it's not likely her little body can digest those very well. But she is a reptile, so who knows. And in case you're wondering, yes, I do feed her.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


What are you lookin' at?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunshine Day

It was finally sunny and 70, so Rosita and I spent some time outside in the grass this afternoon. At first she just ate the grass, but then realized she was free to roam about the backyard. I really think I'm going to have to build her an outside playpen. I'll be so worried about possible intruders though. She's so little and there are so many possible predators -- dogs, birds, cats, snakes, who knows! She was really active today. She kept nosing against her cage wall. It's as if she knew, even before I took her out, that is was nice enough weather to be outside.

For the first time that I can recall, she wasn't interested in eating yesterday. Well, not when I had her up in the kitchen with me. She was more interested in scouting around and exploring. Maybe it's the call of the wild in nicer weather? Once I put her back in her cage with her food dish, she did eat all of it. I'm lucky she's such a good eater. Although she will eat ANYTHING she can pick up and put in her mouth. Today it was a small piece of styrofoam. I was able to extract about half of it before she swallowed what was already fully in her mouth. I don't think it will hurt her, but it is a bit scary to think what she might eat that is not intended to be consumed. I have to pay better attention to what is within her path.