Friday, January 27, 2006

So Funny!

Yesterday as I'm flipping through Windows while multi-tasking at work, I catch Rosita on her web cam doing this:

So Funny!
What are the chances of getting this exact shot? Not only that, but how likely is it that I am going to see it while it is live on the web for 45 seconds?
I can't get over how cute I think this is. She's eating, but it looks like maybe she is laughing. Or sticking her tongue out at the camera saying, "Quit looking at me!" I'll have to try to clean up the image and get at least some of the glare off. I also need to move the camera to a different angle - one that is less affected by the sunlight. Being able to see each slat in the back of the chair the camera is resting on is quite annoying.

I did a full cage clean a few days ago. I used a litter box shovel to remove all the sand and bark before temporarily relocating Rosita out of the construction zone. She wandered around her barren cage seeming a bit distraught about where everything was going. I felt sort of bad. I brought her to the bathroom and let her cruise around in there with the doors shut while I used bleach and scrubbed it clean. I knew she would be safe, and I kept an eye on the cat, just in case. But when I heard a clanging noise, I ran upstairs only to find her shell bumping up against the pipe behind the toilet. She was exploring the terrain, and the sound echoed through walls making it sound much worse than it really was. So I finished up and brought her back to her home. I put more dirt (in case you're a tortoise owner, it's actually Bed-A-Beast) than bark in this time, thinking it will hold moisture better. She loves to get comfy by digging down in it and nestling in.

Coming soon: a new, bigger cage for Rosita...

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