Monday, March 20, 2006


These are Rosita's friends. Since they live with her, should they be called roommates? The cute little green guy came from my real life friend Heidi. She saw it and thought of me (and Rosita) shortly after I adopted my new tort. I smile each time I see it hanging onto a basket. At first I put it at eye level, but Rosita is certain that anything green is edible and should be chewed on. Not a very nice way to treat a friend!

This other character I bought with my husband while we were at Joann's together buying fabric for Rosita's house. I think it's funny how similar it is in size to Rosita. She's never been interested in it. I think because the colors are all wrong -- she knows there's no way it could be real.

Someday I hope to get Rosita a REAL friend, another redfoot. Until then, these guys will have to do.

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