Monday, August 07, 2006

Inside Tortoise

The past couple of days when I've sat outside with my pets, Rosita has done something quite unexpected. While Cricket rubs her face and whiskers on the wrought iron table and chair legs, Rosita wanders back in the house. Why in the world would she do this? It's gorgeous outside. She has virtually no limitless grass and weeds to graze. But for some reason, she keeps heading back in. My husband suggested we let her walk around inside for a little bit to see what she does. She didn't get far before she was out of my viewing range, and I had to come and get her.

So, here's my question: is she an inside tortoise?

Reminds me of a line from "My Name is Earl" where they got a pet turtle. The blonde ex-girlfriend said, "If that thing starts beggin' for scraps from the dinner table, it's gonna be an outside turtle." One of those lines that probably isn't all that funny, but it tickled my funny bone enough that I remembered it.

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