Monday, August 28, 2006

Raspberry Ridge Rosita

Rosita and I broke new ground this weekend. We traveled almost 300 miles together in my VW Beetle - she rode shotgun. I can't wait for my friends to send me their pictures from the retreat (hint! hint!). Somehow I managed not to take any. Partly because I knew others were taking pics and they would share.

Thanks to my friends who shared my admiration for Rosita. She fascinates me every day and I love that others are even half as interested in her as I am.

I still don't know who came up with the quip, but it was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time. (And after a weekend full of hysterical moments, that's remarkable!) I mentioned that I went to the doctor for a skin concern on my back. I didn't want to get into the details of it, especially since that wasn't the point of the story I was telling. Someone inquired further about what was wrong with my back. "Was it a skin cancer screening?" Someone else asked, "Are you growing a tortoise shell?" You know, they say pets and owners start to look alike after awhile!

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