Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunshine Day

It was finally sunny and 70, so Rosita and I spent some time outside in the grass this afternoon. At first she just ate the grass, but then realized she was free to roam about the backyard. I really think I'm going to have to build her an outside playpen. I'll be so worried about possible intruders though. She's so little and there are so many possible predators -- dogs, birds, cats, snakes, who knows! She was really active today. She kept nosing against her cage wall. It's as if she knew, even before I took her out, that is was nice enough weather to be outside.

For the first time that I can recall, she wasn't interested in eating yesterday. Well, not when I had her up in the kitchen with me. She was more interested in scouting around and exploring. Maybe it's the call of the wild in nicer weather? Once I put her back in her cage with her food dish, she did eat all of it. I'm lucky she's such a good eater. Although she will eat ANYTHING she can pick up and put in her mouth. Today it was a small piece of styrofoam. I was able to extract about half of it before she swallowed what was already fully in her mouth. I don't think it will hurt her, but it is a bit scary to think what she might eat that is not intended to be consumed. I have to pay better attention to what is within her path.

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